July 21st, 2020
Source sdnews.com
The City Council on July 21 will continue to address the city’s housing emergency when it considers adding movable tiny homes to the City’s menu of options.
“We have to attack the housing crisis from every possible angle,” said City Council President Georgette Gómez. “The Housing Action Plan I released in 2017 included adding tiny homes to our housing mix because it’s a commonsense, low-cost option that can work for many San Diegans struggling to find an affordable place to live. It’s a great way to encourage property owners to be part of the solution.”
Cost-effective and requiring very little land, movable tiny homes are constructed offsite and wheeled into place. More like a conventional house than a mobile home in appearance, the total between 150 and 430 square feet and are equipped with the basics for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation.
Currently, the City allows homeowners to build accessory dwelling units (ADU) on their properties. Tuesday’s action would add regulations for tiny homes to the section of the Municipal Code that governs ADUs.
Call-In Number
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, only City staff and credentialed members of the press may attend the July 21 meeting in person. However, those wishing to register support for tiny homes can submit a comment through this online form or call into the meeting and make a comment when the extension item is announced by the City Clerk.
The call-in number is 619-541-6310, and the access code is 877861, followed by #. Here are the full call-in instructions. Council meetings are broadcast on Channel 24 through Cox and Time-Warner cable systems and Channel 99 through AT&T. They are also streamed online.

A Statement From Dan Fitzpatrick, President Of THIA
For those of you who wish to support the movable tiny home ordinance on the San Diego City Council agenda July 21st, the following are instructions for written comments. To submit written materials for submission into the record, you may email it to cityclerk@sandiego.gov Address your letter to “Council President Georgette Gomez” and reference “Item # 335 Movable Tiny Homes” in your header. Materials submitted via e-mail will be distributed to the Councilmembers and need to be received before 9 am the 21st. Keep your letters to 200 words or less – short and to the point!
San Diego Gets The Green Light In San Diego: Allowed As A Backyard ADU
San Diego, California is following the lead of Fresno and San Luis Obispo, to allow moveable tiny homes as permissible and permanent living in backyards thanks to the hard work of the Tiny Home Industry Association ( THIA) and the American Tiny House Association ( ATHA).
We owe a special thanks to Dan Fitzpatrick-the Director of Government Relations for both THIA and ATHA. Other municipalities are considering the option include Los Angeles, Sacramento, Oakland, and Humboldt county.
San Diego Ordinance
Related: San Diego Gets The Green Light In San Diego
Related: San Diego Gets The Green Light In San Diego Oct. 12th, 2019
Featured Photo: Pacifica Tiny Homes