THIA Welcomes Commercial member Universal Storage Containers!

Suppose you have a business that requires shipping. You’ll need some high-quality storage containers, won’t you? 

We thought so!

In that case, meet our latest THIA commercial member, Universal Storage Containers! We couldn’t be more thrilled to have them on the team.

Universal Storage Containers offers foldable shipping containers that allow you to pack your goods and ship them more efficiently for a higher return on investment.

Oh, and we should mention that this company is kind of a big deal. 

Universal Storage Containers has been the International Award Winner for Best Self-Storage Container for the past twelve years.

Twelve. Twelve.

Plus, they serve large and small companies and do so all around the world. 

So whether you are shipping top hats for parrots, large aircraft parts, or anything in between, Universal Storage Containers has you covered!

Do you want to learn more about Universal Storage Containers? They are available to connect on Facebook and YouTube!

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