"Becoming a THIA member helped me bring tiny houses to my town. Now, I can live where I want and how I want, legally."
- Jessica B. in San Jose, CA
Passed Laws0
Years of Advocacy"Becoming a THIA member helped me bring tiny houses to my town. Now, I can live where I want and how I want, legally."
- Jessica B. in San Jose, CA
"We entered the Tiny House on Wheels industry because we felt that this product is both of vital future importance, and also that the industry would benefit from experienced professional construction and standards. THIA stands for exactly these things which are the reason we started building tiny homes in the first
- Jerry Terry, Decathlon Construction
"Being a member of THIA has propelled my business to new levels. The connections I make here are invaluable. Joining THIA gives me a partner in building my tiny home business."
- Alana C., Provider Marketing Group, LLC
"We sponsor THIA because THIA works hard for the Tiny House Community. The Tiny House Community is important to PrecisionTemp because it is made up of the PrecisionTemp family (our customers) and our friends."
-Kay Anderson, PrecisionTemp