Name | City | Product Types | Certification | Financing |
Azure Printed Homes | Gardena | C, F, M, MTH, and PM | Pacific West | |
Back Porch Homes | San Bernardino | M | Yes | |
California Tiny House | Fresno | C, K/S, and M | Pacific West | Yes |
Central Coast Tiny Homes | Arroyo Grande | M and MTH | Yes | |
Digz 2 Go | Newman | F | Radco | |
Folding Project | El Monte | M | ||
Forever Tiny Homes | Cottonwood | K/S and M | RVIA | |
Freedom Tiny Homes | Colfax | M | Pacific West | |
Lifescape Builders | Temecula | C and M | Pacific West | |
Makana Properties | San Diego | K/S | ||
Pacifica Tiny Homes | Pacifica | M | HCD and Pacific West | Yes |
TAYNR Inc. | Sacremento | K/S | ||
Temple Spaces | Oakland | M | ||
Tiny House Basics | Clayton | K/S and Trailers | No |
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Type of Product
C — Custom Tiny Home (RV): Movable tiny home; built to customer’s design specs.
F — Foundation-based TH (aka: modular or industrailized buildings): A little wider than most movable tiny homes (MTH); Considered to be more like a stick built home but still built in a factory to IRC Appendix Q and state’s modular building standards; transported by tractor trailer; not a mobile home, which is built to Federal HUD standards.
K/S — Tiny Home Kits/Shells: Tiny home kits (plans/materials) or shells (partially built); homes built by DIYers.
M — Tiny Home Models (RV): Movable tiny home; designs/models shown on builder’s website.
MTH — Moveable Tiny Home: Tiny home on wheels
PM — Park Model (RV): A tiny home that maybe wider than standard 8.5' movable tiny homes; still considered and RV; transported by tractor trailer.
Pre-Owned — :
Trailers — Tiny Home Trailers: Chassis/wheels for movable tiny home; used by Do It Yourself (DIYers).
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